July 26, 2021

Save time with Dynamic Attributes for Cisco Secure Firewall

With cloud comes complexity As organizations accelerate their transition to hybrid cloud, multicloud, and other dynamic environments, static security controls are no longer adequate. The shift […]
July 26, 2021

Microsoft jalin kerjasama untuk perkasakan usahawan dan pelopor inovasi generasi akan datang Malaysia

Microsoft sertai program pecutan MaGIC, Sidec, dan Sunway iLabs sebagai rakan strategik, untuk bantu syarikat pemula tempatan bina keupayaan digital dan beralih kepada awan Demi menyokong […]
July 26, 2021

Microsoft forms collaborations to empower Malaysia’s next generation of innovators and entrepreneurs

Microsoft joins accelerator programs by MaGIC, Sidec, and Sunway iLabs as a strategic partner, to help advance local startup’s digital capabilities and cloud transformation To support […]
July 23, 2021

Simplify VPN with Cisco Secure Managed Remote Access

Bringing focus back to organizations’ IT, and empowering security heroes Esports are becoming massively popular, and you’ll commonly hear about how a player “carried the team […]