July 14, 2021

Memperkenalkan Windows 11

Dalam suasana di mana komputer peribadi (PC) memainkan peranan yang semakin penting dalam kehidupan kita, Windows 11 telah direka cipta untuk mendekatkan anda dengan apa yang […]
July 14, 2021

Introducing Windows 11

At a time when the PC is playing a more central role in our lives, Windows 11 is designed to bring you closer to what you […]
July 13, 2021

Anatomy of a Breach: Preventing the Next Advanced Attack

Your company’s stock price nosedives by 15% in a single day. You get a flood of messages from concerned family and friends about your company. Your […]
July 12, 2021

The Risk-Conscious, Security-Aware Culture: The Forgotten Critical Security Control

Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs) across the Global 2000 and Fortune 1000 are obsessed with protecting the workforce endpoints as critical vulnerabilities in the cybersecurity and […]