August 24, 2019

The Snow Leopard Trust helps protect a threatened species with Microsoft AI

Protecting snow leopards from extinction starts with knowing how many exist – not an easy task given their nature. The magnificent, fluffy-tailed cats live in frigid, […]
August 24, 2019

9 nostalgic tech sounds you (probably) haven’t heard in years

  The year is 1995, and I’m seven years old. I’ve just finished typing up my homework, and a few mechanical clunks later, it’s saved to […]
August 23, 2019

Cymulate – Technology Integrations

  Cymulate is a SaaS-based breach and attack simulation platform that tests, measures and optimizes the effectiveness of your security controls. Cymulate challenges your controls by […]
August 23, 2019

New 4CAN tool helps identify vulnerabilities in on-board car computers

Modern automobiles contain hundreds of sensors and mechanics that communicate via computers to understand their surrounding environment. Those components provide real-time information to drivers, connect the […]