November 20, 2020

IT and OT Cybersecurity: United We Stand, Divided We Fall

I was intrigued to learn that certain coyotes and badgers team up while hunting. If the prey runs fast, the coyote takes the lead. If the […]
November 20, 2020

ISE 3.0 Dynamic Visibility: Step into zero trust for the workplace

Within our Cisco Identity Service Engine (ISE) 3.0 release, we started talking about dynamic visibility. But what is dynamic visibility, what are the benefits, and why […]
November 19, 2020

Back from vacation: Analyzing Emotet’s activity in 2020

By Nick Biasini, Edmund Brumaghin, and Jaeson Schultz. Emotet is one of the most heavily distributed malware families today. Cisco Talos observes large quantities of Emotet […]
November 18, 2020

Nibiru ransomware variant decryptor

Nikhil Hegde developed this tool. Weak encryption The Nibiru ransomware is a .NET-based malware family. It traverses directories in the local disks, encrypts files with Rijndael-256 […]