July 12, 2019

Cisco Threat Response Plugin: Defeat Threats With Just a Few Clicks

One of the best tools in your SOC’s arsenal is something you might already have access to and didn’t even have to pay for. If you […]
July 11, 2019

Should governments pay extortion payments after a ransomware attack?

When it comes to ransomware attacks this year, it’s been a tale of three cities. In May, the city of Baltimore suffered a massive ransomware attack that took […]
July 10, 2019

The Future of the Firewall is Not a Firewall

I have seen the future of the firewall, and it is not a firewall! Firewalls have been with us since the late 1980s and they have […]
July 9, 2019

Sea Turtle Keeps on Swimming

By Danny Adamitis with contributions from Paul Rascagneres. Executive summary After several months of activity, the actors behind the “Sea Turtle” DNS hijacking campaign are not slowing down. Cisco Talos recently […]