September 27, 2022

Create with intent

Brand pillar spotlight: Create This is the first in an occasional series highlighting Alludo’s new brand pillars. Check out more on our brand pillars here. Creativity […]
September 24, 2022

Enable, create, ideate, share: The foundations of Alludo

By now, you’ve likely heard that Corel is totally reimagining what work looks and feels like. We’re also reimagining ourselves, including changing our name to Alludo […]
September 14, 2022

Reimagining the future of work.

Hi! We’re Alludo. The name might not sound familiar (yet!) but we’re definitely not the new kids on the block. You may have known us as […]
September 14, 2022

Working better and living better at Alludo

As you may have heard, Corel is undergoing a major rebranding effort. We’ve even changed our name to Alludo. Ah-LOO-dough. It rolls off the tongue, doesn’t […]